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Benefits from using of 24iValue

24iValue imitates the process of thinking and action taken by a conventional expert. It will reduce your need for consultation, advice, training costs, simplify your work and save a lot of time.

The system will guide you by the hand through the process of calculation, so that you can easily perform well even without the knowledge of the financial and accounting issues.


in difficult reporting areas

The system will guide you by the hand through the process of calculation, so that you can easily perform well even without the knowledge of the financial and accounting issues.

Without having to wait for support from your advisors you can quickly check or calculate deferred tax asset, deferred tax liability, value financial instruments, calculate market values of certain assets, prepare cash flow statement (in accordance with IAS 7), test for impairment non-current asset (IAS 36), calculate holiday leave accrual or a provision for warranty expenses or employee benefits, calculate allowance for bad and doubtful debts or inventory provision, and perform calculations related to financial leasing (IAS 17).

If you are good at the above mentioned areas then use 24iValue as a verification tool for what you have been doing so that you will have your work verified in a short time and will become independent of your advisers.

24iValue is on of the expert systems working online bookkeepers should know.

How to cope with even most difficult accounting issues?

* results of the survey conducted on a sample of several hundred people involved in the accounting

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