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Provisions for liabilities

Errors can arise when:
  • we are not sure if to establish the provision or recognise a contingent liability
  • we have no knowledge of discounting, or calculus of probability
  • the time is short and we have to calculate several provisions: holiday leaves, retirement bonus provisions, costs of warranty repairs
  • You have scarce information and this is the only thing you can rely on in making the estimates
  • You have no opportunity for an independent check of the calculation

Support provided by the 24iValue provision calculator ...?
  • with 24iValue you will determine if the provision needs to be established
  • you will calculate the provision for holidays or the provision for warranty repairs
  • you can calculate the provision for pension benefits
  • you will be able to calculate the provision in a short time and on your own basing on tested auditing techniques while minimising the risk of ungrounded provision recognition.
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