The credibility of financial statements increased through better cooperation between employees.
Do you like social events? Do they belong to the more pleasant parts of your work, or rather the unpleasant duty? What to do and what to avoid in such meetings?
Integration, as the name suggests, we have to know our colleagues. Thanks to this " knowledge " work in the office can be done in an easier environment. A nice and light collaboration becomes more effective.
In addition, if the employee is happy to come to work, the motivation is stronger, strengthen the ties with the company, which in turn translates into a more reliable operation. The employee then begins to understand that the whole company is made up of different departments, and he is one of the essential elements of what in the company.
Integration is contributing to the creation of the " light, pleasant atmosphere " that will feel later in the office.
I guess sometimes we are faced with a choice: whether to use the bid meeting with colleagues outside of the office, or be better at home. Unfortunately, most of us are convinced that it would be safer if colleagues do not know us very well.
But the integration event is not imposed on us by the fact that we now have opened up here at all, betrayed them our secrets, they discovered their all . But what's wrong with dividing their interests, passions?
The meeting ?out of office? should therefore be chosen. And this is the first case, how to behave at a party integration. First, you should just go for it.
Second, remember that we meet with people who will have to face the next day. The behavior we should be that we just were not ashamed of it.
It is inappropriate, therefore, the story of their personal problems and troubles. Because they will soon face. Any disputes should be between us - blab about them to third parties will not help anyone. And on the contrary - may induce in us an even more negative emotions and feelings.
But talk about your interests is very much in place. If you meet the next day with our caller, we will have no remorse that we filled in someone's head with unnecessary things. Maybe we can find another person who also loves philately, fascinated by the world of books and fantasy in the end is a huge fan of the history of World War II. This will help to strengthen ties with a colleague, will move to nicer cooperation, and thus - the better the results.
The integration event we do not have to pretend to be someone we are not. Let's just be ourselves.
Despite often have negative opinions of the public on team building, remember that they contribute to the motivation of employees, which will result in better company in which we work. A better business performance in the end will translate well to our fee...
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