Accounting on-line will make you happy to come to work
People often love to complain. However, modern man tends rather to achieve the highest level of Maslow's pyramid of needs: self-actualization rather than constant complaining.
On the other hand, we must admit that, even if we dream job , even if your boss is a "golden man", sometimes (especially in those cloudy days), some of us would prefer to just stay at home with a cup of hot tea and just do nothing all day.
What excuses do you use when you really do not want you to come to work? Every employee is entitled to the so-called four days. Leave on the "demand" - is happy to use it, whether it is only the last resort for you?
However, the easiest and most honest way to explain it is to tell the truth (because we keep the fair, we are in accord with their conscience, we need not fear that the lie comes to light, etc.) - Even if it was the least admirable for the employer, everyone appreciates honesty.
Reasons of work absence may be different. Perhaps we fear that not manage to some task, and when they do come, it will drop it to colleagues, may sometimes feel too much tired and need a day to recuperate?
If you are an accountant and you feel that you are often too tired, try to use the application 24iValue to facilitate your work - so it can save time and make sure that you perform the task correctly and easily and... with great pleasure and satisfaction!
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