The calculation of income tax depends on your accountant...
Recently we wrote about the benefits of economic sciences. Today we would like to continue the discussion, this time focusing on the accounting profession.
Why is it so important and necessary?
The term ?accounting? dates back to ancient times: messages say that already existed in Mesopotamia, clay tablets with the provisions of expenditure and revenue and possessed of wealth, neither in Egypt (papyrus scrolls), and Greece and Rome (wax tablets). In addition, the Old Testament is also provided about their records.
Today, accounting is a very highly regarded area, and the accounting profession has not only successful, but also a kind of prestige.
In the end, however, it is the accountant who knows how to calculate corporation income tax: understand tax deductible and not deductible expenses. Without accountants? help, probably more than one owner would had problems with discharge of tax due to the state budget in a distinguished amount.
A good accountant is characterized by patience and accuracy. Data presented in the financial statements are a valuable source of information not only for internal purposes, but also for external customers from tax offices by contractors including the banks providing funds to finance operations.
Probably the vision of our company without an accountant seems like a science fiction...
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