Business valuation - what's under this heading?
Firstly, it should be emphasized that the issue of the valuation of the company in most countries is not regulated the legal acts.
Second, the valuation of the company is a process. We have already written when necessary or helpful to the valuation of the company, therefore we consider this point discussed.
Valuation principles generally distinguish three main of methods, ie. the full valuation, the simplified valuation and the preliminary calculation of the valuation of the company. These types are distinguished due to the scope of the valuation made, therefore they should not be confused with the methods of company valuation.
- full valuation of the company focuses on the issue of opinion on the value of the company using the methods and procedures appropriate to the objective, impartial and fair determination of the value of
- Simplified Measurement of the value of the company is focused on estimating the value of the company without or simplification of some of the procedures required in the method of full
- Preliminary valuation / calculation focuses in turn on the initial estimate of the value of the company without or simplification of some of the procedures required in the method of full.
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