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Special offer!

Earn extra money as our Partner!

The 24iValue Affiliate program is intended for individuals and companies interested in distributing access to a unique expert system - 24iValue - supporting the accounting and reporting processes in companies.

The system is designed to imitate the process of thinking and action of a "traditional" expert, replace frequent internal and external consultations, reduce costs, including the costs of training, to improve work and save lot of precious time, which is always little in finance and accounting.

This system is a perfect complement to ERP programs, traditional accounting systems and financial reporting systems.

24iValue will propose each Partner simple and clear rules for the settlement of commission for brokering the sale (endorsement) access for new users (% of sales made).

By joining the Affiliate 24iValue program and becoming a partner of our service, you will get the opportunity to enrich the portfolio of solutions aimed at people with finance and accounting departments interested in the possibilities of modern expert systems such as 24iValue .

Contact us using the Contact form
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