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24iValue calculators for FREE!

With 24iValue you can save time and money!
What else can you save with 24iValue ... ?

365-day access to the selected modules will be adequate if you wish (or have) to calculate or verify corporation tax and other important data such as deferred tax, cash flow statement, finance lease entries, liability provisions or impairment charges, calculate market value or calculate amortised cost value for financial instruments more often than once a year.

Price list of 24iValue modules



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FREE of charges
for 1 hour

FREE access

  • Statement of Cash Flows
  • Testing of Impairment of Fixed Assets
  • Accounting for Finance Leases
  • Provision for Liabilities
  • Provision for Inventories
  • Provision for Doubtful Debts



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Multiple access
25£ for 365 days

Unlimited multiple access to selected modules

  • 80£ Valuation and market value
  • 80£ Valuation of financial instruments
  • 80£ Statement of Cash Flows
  • 80£ Testing of Impairment of Fixed Assets
  • 60£ Accounting for Finance Leases
  • 60£ Provision for Liabilities
  • 25£ Provision for Inventories
  • 25£ Provision for Doubtful Debts

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