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See what you can verify or calculate using 24iValue!

This system works in a way an accounting or tax expert does, and together with you it will solve the problems. With its assistance you will be able to quickly calculate deferred tax and corporation tax, provisions for liabilities, impairment charges, financial leasing entries, and generate cash flow.

Valuation and market value

  • The module is useful when:
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You want to make an approximate valuation of your business and for this purpose apply various business valuation methods

You have a trademark (brand, logo), patent, technology or other intangible asset and you want to quickly check their market value

You want to quickly check a value of a commercial real estate (commercial premises, leased warehouse or office)

You need to value shares or bonds of a company but you do not know how to check it yourself

You are looking for an easy-to-use Present Value Calculator
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Service description24iValue acts like an expert whose aim is to get the market value of assets such as real estate, brands, patents, know-how and to value shares, bonds or estimate an enterprise value using different valuation methods.

This expert system will guide you by the hand through the entire process of valuation. Thanks to the built-in hints you will find out what data needs to be taken into account to obtain a reliable result. You will do it in line with the practices followed by the specialists in this field.

Thanks to 24iValue you will quickly find out the market value of the relevant assets. You will calculate it yourself, saving a lot of time and money.

This module will come in handy when you need to quickly value a revenue-generating group of assets, trademark, technology, etc. and you do not have enough time, money or simply the will to outsource it to external consultants.

Your are not a valuation specialist and this is not your area of expertise  but:

=> You want to make an approximate valuation of your business and for this purpose apply various enterprise valuation methods

=> You do not know the reasonable valuation of the enterprise you want to buy and do not know how to value a business

=> You have a trademark (brand, logo), patent, technology or other intangible asset and you want to know its market value

=> You want to value a commercial real estate (commercial premises, leased office or warehouse)

=> You are interested in the valuation of shares or bonds of a company but you do not know how to check it yourself

=> You want to check the market relevance of the offer you have received for the sale (or purchase) of commercial real estate, stock or shares in a company (i.e. its Market Capitalization)

=> You need to calculate net present value and you are looking for an easy-to-use Present Value Calculator

Most of us are not valuation specialists and thus calculating the market value of assets (using for instance net present value), is considered a difficult task to undertake without the assistance of an expert.

The amount of information to take into account in such a valuation and usually a scarce knowledge of the possible methods of market valuation increase the risk of an asset being under or overvalued. 

The Valuation and Market Value Module has been designed for the persons who for their own needs must face the task of valuation even though they are not experts in this field and they have no time for training.

The system uses, among others, income-approach methods, discounted cash flow methods, a Present Value Calculator, and a set of market multiples. We do not have to understand them because the built-in tips guide the user through the steps of valuation suggesting what to enter and where to get the data from, leading straight to the result.

The business valuation, valuation of brand, bonds or commercial real estate, and calculating a net present value, become achievable even for a layman in this field.

The 24 hour availability of the service allows us to perform various calculations whenever needed and at the same time we can save plenty of time and money.

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Valuation and market value

Valuation of financial instruments

  • The module is useful when:
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You need (quickly) to value financial instruments

You need to value a loan or a debt financial instrument  using the amortized cost method

You do not often calculate the IRR or not often calculate present value but need a quick assistance

You want to quickly value forward contracts but have no knowledge in this field

The fair value has already been calculated but you have none who could quickly check these calculations
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Service description24iValue acts like an expert who has to value financial instruments for balance-sheet purposes. It will guide you by the hand through the entire process of valuation and thanks to that - even if you do not know what the IRR discount rate, fair value (e.g. forward contracts) or the amortised cost is - you can still perform the valuation you need yourself. You will do it in line with the current accounting standards (IAS 39).

Thanks to 24iValue you will easily calculate the balance-sheet value of financial instruments and save much more than a few hours of work.

This module will come in handy when you need to quickly determine the amortised cost for borrowing, loan, bonds, etc. Moreover, you can easily calculate IRR and then calculate present value. It will also be useful when you need to quickly and easily value forward contracts or commodity futures.

=> You do not know how to value financial instruments

=> You want to know the amortised cost for the debt financial instruments you have to value

=> You do not often calculate the IRR or not often calculate present value but need quick assistance

=> You need to quickly value forward contracts but have no knowledge in this field

=> The fair value has already been determined but you have nobody who will quickly check these calculations before they are posted

=> You are an auditor and you are looking for tools to shorten the time spent on financial instrument valuations.

Financial instruments and their valuation for balance-sheet purposes prove a very difficult task for most of us. The amount of information to take into account and usually scarce knowledge of cash flow discounting increase the risk of errors. 

The Financial Instruments module has been developed for persons who need to face the task of valuation even though they have no time for training and show a lack of practice in this field.

Thanks to the hints, the fair value or the amortised cost method and its application for the valuation of borrowings, loans, bonds, bills, etc. is a piece of cake even for someone with little knowledge in this matter and even … for someone who hears about the existence of the IRR for the first time and can hardly calculate present value.

If we want to value forward contracts, this system will not let us get lost while determining their fair value. You do not need an advanced financial calculator or multiple calculation sheets to do it. It is clear to see where to enter what in order to obtain a reliable result.

The 24 hour availability of the service allows us to perform various calculations whenever needed and at the same time we can save plenty of time and money.

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Valuation of financial instruments

Deferred Tax & Corporate Tax

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24iValue imitates the process of thinking and the actions a conventional expert uses to calculate deferred income tax and corporate income tax liability.

The system is much more than an online accounting guide, a tax liability calculator or a taxable income calculator as it will guide you step by step through the entire calculation process, in order to easily and correctly calculate taxes (deferred tax and UK corporation tax) even without extensive knowledge in this field.

This support is also very useful when you are familiar with a tax and just want to independently ascertain the correctness of the declared corporation tax liability.

Please note that at the moment the module Deferred Tax and Corporation Tax is dedicated only to the UK companies.

Using 24iValue as a corporate tax calculator, you will minimize the risk of errors in your corporation tax and deferred tax calculation. The easy way to verify a tax liability will help you to calculate the amount of current income tax even a few times faster than traditionally. 

This service will be very helpful when you do not know how to calculate deferred tax, because you do not do it often.

It will also help when you need to quickly calculate corporation taxes, but do not have much tax knowledge or you have already calculated it but do not have anyone who can check your calculation before you declare the amount to the tax office.

The system provides you with a conclusion document check of your calculation, which shows that you have kept due diligence when calculating the corporate taxes.

=> You get an impression that the income tax in the P&L account is relatively high or low in relation to gross profit.

=> You are looking for a tax generator enabling to quickly calculate the UK corporation tax.

=> You do not know how to calculate deferred tax as you do not calculate it too often and you are looking for a deferred tax calculator.

=> You do not know how to conduct income tax calculations as you are not experienced in tax accounting.

=> You have calculated corporation tax using your income tax calculator and there is no one who could check your calculation before you declare the tax liability to the authorities.

=> You are a tax accountant or an auditor looking for tools to shorten the time of checking corporation tax charge and deferred tax asset or deferred tax liabilities.

Deferred Tax & Corporation Tax

I am an auditor and a business owner. In addition, as I keep my accounting books myself, I am familiar with the practical problems related to corporation tax calculation and payment of the right amount of tax liability. There are many differences between the balance sheet and the tax approach, which makes the risk of making errors high. That is why I think income tax is a very complex accounting area.

That is additionally troublesome with the frequency of making the calculation - even every month, while there are other accounting duties, aren't there. The problems of calculating taxable profit and the required precision impact the time required for the task; however, even then we are not sure that our corporate tax calculation is correct.

The fear if we have managed to calculate our corporation tax correctly keeps us awake at night. At the end of day who is responsible for errors To mitigate the risk, we have to hire external consultants, which is costly.

24iValue UK tax calculator has been designed primarily for those of us whose income tax calculation is not verified by anybody else and who are interested in mitigating the risk. Advanced knowledge is not required. Tips and questions that are displayed during the calculation of corporation tax with 24iValue lead users through the process with ease.

With 24iValue, you can verify on your own and independently what you have prepared. We will reduce the risk errors that will recur when we check calculation of corporation tax in a traditional way. As a matter of fact, we need no more information than we have in our books.

With 24iValue, you can save an entire days work in a moment. That is a lot of time. The availability of the service 24 hours a day provides support around the clock and throughout the full year. When we have verified the corporation tax and printed the result and conclusion on its correctness from the 24iValue tax calculator, we can explicitly prove the due diligence exercised in income tax calculation.

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Deferred Tax & Corporate Tax

Statement of Cash Flows

  • The module is useful when:
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You do not know how to prepare cash flow statement (under IAS) or you are looking for a tool being more than just a cash flow template

There is an error in the cash flows but using your standard tools you are not able to identify its reason

You have a problem with recognizing non-standard transactions in a cash flow statement
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Service description24iValue imitates the process of thinking and the actions a conventional expert uses to prepare a cash flow statement. The system will guide you step by step through the process of creating this compilation, so that a cash flow statement can be prepared well even if you have no knowledge in this field and without using any complex cash flow sheet.

This support is also very useful when you know how to prepare cash flow statements and just want to independently verify your calculations. This is of great assistance if you are responsible for annual financial statements which include a statement of cash flows.

With 24iValue, you can save many hours of hard work and easily produce even a complex cash flow statement and export it to your financial statements.

The system will help you if you do not know how to prepare a cash flow statement, or if you see an error in the cash flow, but can not find its source.

Using this module you can handle calculating cash flow if you do not know how to present non-recurring transactions in your cash flow statement template. You no longer need sample cash flow statements to see how to present them.

In addition, the system will generate the cash flow statement according to IFRS. Our cash flow statement format meets the general requirements of IAS 7.

=> You do not know how to prepare cash flow statement or you are looking for more than just a cash flow template.

=> You hardly know how to prepare a statement of cash flows because you are preparing it very rarely and cash flow accounting is a nightmare for you.

=> There is an error in the cash flows but using your standard tools you are not able to identify its reason.

=> You have a problem with recognising non-standard transactions in a cash flow statement.

=> You are an auditor and you are looking for tools to shorten auditing of cash flow statements.

Cash Flow Statement

I have been auditing financial statements for years and I keep finding that preparing a statement of cash flow is a difficult task. The abundance of information to be incorporated and doubts related to classifying events to appropriate cash flow groups increase the risk of error in the cash flow statement.

We prepare a statement of cash flows once a year and that is why it is hard to make friends with it. It takes a lot of time and there is no assurance that it will be made correctly even though we use a cash flow template. Frequently, we have to consult specialists, which is expensive.

Even a small difference in cash flows may result from a very large difference in one direction at the time of another large difference in an opposite direction. Control must be maintained on each working calculation and the signs of the input amounts. There will always be a specific transaction that may come as a surprise to the earlier tested ways in measuring cash flows. It is easy to make a mistake when trying to prepare a cash flow statement, particularly when you don?t know how to prepare a cash flow statement.

The cash flow statement indirect method tool incorporated within 24iValue has been developed for people who do not prepare cash flow statements every day. With the tips built in this web-based service, a statement of cash flows can be made even by persons who do not have much experience in accounting.

With 24iValue, you will not get lost when trying to calculate cash flows. At each stage of input, the consistency and logic of the input data is auto-verified. In practice, that excludes occurrence of a mistaken incompliance between the balance sheet change of cash and the net cash flows.

24iValue helps you recognise many types of infrequent events that are difficult to classify correctly without additional training or studying cash flow samples. Since the service is available round the clock, you can use the cash flow statement as an indirect method tool whenever you need it. Additionally, as the results of the calculation can be exported, you can import a finished cash flow statement to your financial report.

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Statement of Cash Flows

Testing of Impairment of Fixed Assets

  • The module is useful when:
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You have to determine in a short time if there are any impairment indicators to ensure whether a detailed impairment tests are required

You do not know how to perform an impairment test and what information you need to do it

You wish to determine a reliable amount of fixed assets allowance or intangible assets impairment charge

You are in charge of accounting of fixed assets looking for a tool enabling to perform multiple impairment tests of tangible assets in a short time
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Service description24iValue imitates the process of thinking and the actions a conventional expert implements to perform a test for the impairment of fixed assets.

The system will guide you step by step through the process of impairment testing, so that even if you know very little about this difficult issue you will be able to easily analyze the impairment indicators and calculate the write-downs of fixed assets. This can be achieved  in accordance with the applicable accounting standards (IAS 36).

With 24iValue, you will easily perform impairment testing of non-current assets on your own and save a lot of time and hard work.

This module will be extremely helpful when you need to quickly check whether there is any indication of impairment of fixed assets or have to calculate the impairment charge for non-current assets, especially if you do not know how to determine the appropriate discount rate and free cash flows required to test for impairment.

=> You are not sure how to perform an impairment test and what information you need to do it.

=> You have to determine in a short time if there are any impairment indicators to ensure whether a detailed impairment tests are required.

=> You want to perform an impairment test but you do not have sufficient knowledge and have no time for training.

=> You are looking for assistance in calculating the discount rate (e.g. WACC), free cash flow forecast or a discounted cash flow amount.

=> You wish to determine a reliable amount of fixed assets allowance or intangible assets impairment charge.

=> You are in charge of accounting of fixed assets or an auditor and you are looking for a tool enabling to perform an impairment test of tangible assets in a short time.

How to test fixed assets for impairment?

Testing of impairment of fixed assets and other non-current assets are one of the most complicated tasks faced by accountants or auditors. The process requires advanced knowledge. We have to know how to calculate free cash flow forecasts, determine discount rates, market valuation. Perhaps this is the main reason why an assumption is often made that no impairment of assets has occurred and we do no nothing to confirm that we even fail to perform a relevant analysis of the impairment indicators; however, that may often result in material errors in the valuation of non-current assets.

Without support from specialists with advanced knowledge, correct performance of an entire impairment test seems unfeasible and without good knowledge of financial mathematics, it will most likely generate errors. What happens if an impairment test becomes necessary? Anyway, at a minimum of at least once a year we have to perform an analysis of impairment indicators.

If an impairment risk of fixed assets occurs, it takes a lot of time to identify the appropriate discounting rate and additional time is required to calculate projected free cash flows. Another challenge is to split the impairment charge into various groups of fixed assets or intangibles. In practice, an error may happen in each stage.

We have developed 24iValue for persons who have no idea how to perform an impairment test. With our services, even persons who for the first time tries to make a non-current asset impairment test will perform it in accordance with the requirements.

With 24iValue, in order to perform an impairment test for intangible or tangible assets you do not have to study the intricacies of financial mathematics and management accounting or market valuation. You will be provided with sufficient support, clarification and tips that will be displayed when the impairment test is performed in the module.

We do not need any advanced financial calculator, numerous spreadsheets or lots of computing. Now we have everything in one place. With 24iValue, you can do an impairment test on your own.

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Testing of Impairment of Fixed Assets

Accounting for Finance Leases

  • The module is useful when:
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You want to correctly classify a lease contract (finance lease versus operating lease)

You do not know how to discount leasing instalments and how to calculate the current present value of leasing liabilities

You want to calculate the internal rate of return (IRR) for a leasing contract
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Service description24iValue imitates the process of thinking and the actions a conventional expert implements to enter the finance lease agreements in the books.The system will guide you step by step through the process of analysis and calculations, so that even if you know little about this rather difficult subject you can easily determine whether an arrangement is an operating lease or an finance one, and can calculate the initial value of the leased asset or determine the present value of lease liabilities for any balance sheet date.

Our system also allows you to make calculations for leases denominated in foreign currencies and to calculate interest rates appropriate to discount the lease payments (e.g. Internal Rate of Return - IRR).

Using 24iValue you minimise the risk of error in book recognition of financial leasing. The embedded help and clarification as well as the clear method to calculate the amounts related to financial leasing will help you save much time doing the task.

This module is indispensable when you do not know how to discount the lease payments and determine the present value of lease obligations.

This easy-to-use finance lease calculator will guide you through all the necessary calculations, including calculation of the internal rate of return (IRR) needed to discount the lease payments.

=> You do not know how to discount leasing instalments and how to calculate the current value of leasing liabilities.

=> You do not analyse leasing contracts too often and you do not make the related calculations and you need immediate assistance in the subject.

=> You do not know how to calculate depreciation of the leased asset. You are not certain if your calculation of leasing liabilities is correct.

=> You want to calculate the internal rate of return (IRR) for a leasing contract. You are an auditor and you are looking for tools to shorten the time devoted to analysing financial leasing or operational leasing.

When and how to recognise a finance lease in the books?

Recognition of financial lase contracts in the books is not an easy task. A decision if the leasing is financial or operational one is a piece of cake when compared to what has to be done afterwards. This requires knowledge about the internal rate of return and discounting of leasing instalments. If the rules are unknown, errors may occur in the recognition of leasing.

It is very difficult to determine the initial value of the leased assets and of the liability unless we use advanced spread sheets.  The question is if we understand how the spread sheets work and when all of that comes from?  There is much information that we have to take into account like e.g. the repayment schedule of the leasing instalments. This is very difficult and time consuming.

We have developed 24iValue also for such persons who do not have enough time to make calculations related to financial leasing. With our service, even people who have never performed such calculations, will perform then in a short time and accurately. 24iValue does not work like a spread sheet for financial leasing we have seen before. What is required now is input of a few pieces of information in a special online form. We know what to insert and where to get the information from as there are prompts which are displayed when the calculations are performed.

Finally, we get a specification of the present value of the lease liabilities, the book value of the leased assets, depreciation amount, amounts of interest and leasing instalments.  The final specification of such amounts can be used for posting a financial lease to the general ledger.

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Accounting for Finance Leases

Provision for Liabilities

  • The module is useful when:
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You have a dilemma if you should set up a liability provision or do not know how and when to disclose a contingent liability

You want to quickly calculate holiday pay provision or warranty cost accrual

You have calculated a provision for leaves or provision for warranty claims but there is no one to check your calculations

You want to quickly ascertain whether provision recognition criteria have been met.
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Service description24iValue imitates the process of thinking and the actions a conventional audit-accounting expert implements to calculate provisions for liabilities, including warranty repairs provision or provision for employee benefits.

The system will guide you step by step through the process of the necessary analysis and calculations, so that even if you know very little  about these difficult estimates you can independently determine whether the recognition criteria for provisions have been met or can calculate the provisions for warranty repair costs, the provision for unused holiday leave or actuarial provisions for retirement bonuses.

Using 24iValue you will quickly check or calculate holiday accrual or see what amount of warranty provision should be recorded. You can save a lot of time and you will need just a small amount of information.

This service is very useful when you want to very quickly and independently calculate the provision for retirement bonus, provision for holiday allowance or provision for warranty repairs.

This module will also help if you figured out provision but you have no one to check your calculation.

You will also quickly assess if any of the provision recognition criteria has been met and if you should recognise a provision or disclose a contingent liability.

=> You have a dilemma if you should set up a liability provision or don?t know how and when to disclose a contingent liability.

=> You do not have too much time to calculate holiday pay provision or warranty cost accrual.

=> You are looking for a provision calculation tool that does not need a complex or huge amount information to calculate a reliable provision for liabilities.

=> You have calculated a provision for leaves or provision for warranty claims but there is no one to check your calculations you are an auditor looking for a clever tool to audit holiday leave accrual calculations, or a provision for warranty expenses, or quickly ascertain whether provision recognition criteria have been met.

Provisions for liabilities and Accruals

A reliable assessment of liability provisions is a difficult task often facing accountants. It requires much experience, taking into account the specific nature of the company and the events that take place in the company. Often advanced estimation methods need to be applied as well as probability theory or cash flow discounting.

When making estimates, often you may find yourself at a dead end. Thinking up complex ways to determine the amount of provisions for liabilities may take lots of time.

Often, the desired effect can be achieved with much simpler methods - tested in practice by others.

If we do not account for the specific features of the company and events that take place, the liability provision will be inadequate to future developments. Skipping the aspect of probability may result in material errors.

The 24iValue provision module is an answer to all those who are looking for a simple and fast method to make a reliable provision estimate, e.g. to check or calculate holiday accrual or see the amount of warranty provision.

24iValue has led us by the hand, prompting available solutions. As a result, estimation of provisions becomes very easy and not too time consuming.

On the basis of very little information, 24iValue helps estimate provisions that are adequate to what is going in the company. Instead of looking for advanced estimation and extrapolation methods, you can use the intuitive and fast methods to estimate selected provisions that are embedded in the system. 24iValue will save time of you and also of other people in the company who are involved in the process of collecting information necessary to estimate liability provisions.

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Provision for Liabilities

Provision for Inventories

  • The module is useful when:
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You do not know how to calculate provision for slow moving inventory.

You wish to check if the policy of calculation of reserve for slow moving inventory is reasonable

You need to calculate a inventory provision in a very short time.

You have to compute provision for obsolete inventory and you have not much more than a stock ageing report

You wish to check if your computation of inventory provision does not contain material errors
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Service description24iValue imitates the process of thinking and the actions a conventional audit-accounting expert implements to calculate a slow moving inventory provision (write-down). The system will guide you step by step through the process of calculation, so that inventory allowance can be estimated reasonably even if you have no knowledge in this field.

24iValue is based on proven audit methods of calculation of provision for slow moving inventory. You will quickly calculate reserve for slow moving inventory and you can save a lot of time, as you will not need too much information.

This module is very helpful when you do not know how to calculate a slow-moving stock provision, especially if you have a limited amount of information and need something for quickly and reliably calculating this type of allowance.

Also use this module to check the reasonableness of charges already established, especially when you can not count on a quick and independent review of your calculations by someone else.

=> You find part of inventory obsolete and do not know how to calculate provision for slow moving inventory.

=> You wish to check if the policy of calculation of reserve for slow moving inventory is reasonable.

=> You need to calculate a provision for slow moving inventory in a very short time.

=> You have to compute provision for obsolete inventory and you have not much more than a stock aging report.

=> You wish to check if your computation of inventory provision does not contain material errors you are an auditor looking for a clever tool to audit provision for slow moving inventory or to quickly ensure the provisioning policy is reasonable.

Inventory Provision

The determination of rules to recognise the provisions for doubtful debts or inventory provisions so that they reflect the reality and specific features of a company is a major challenge.

How can we determine the appropriate percentages of a provision for bad and doubtful debts or of a provision for slow moving inventory and how can we verify the applied accounting policies?

Incorrect policies of recognising a provision for slow moving inventory or doubtful debtors may distort the financial result. If we do not tailor the accounting policies to the company and actual events that take place, the provisions and allowances will likely be inadequate to future developments.

If we have no idea how to verify, if, the approved policies of recognising provision for doubtful debts or inventory provision are adequate, we often do not challenge the accuracy of the policies at all, which however, is a major error. On the other hand, we may look for various ways to verify the provisions; however, that may cost lots of time and would not guarantee that the assessment of the applied policy is correct.

The desired effect can be achieved by using easier methods, tested practically by others. With 24iValue, everybody can learn how to check the computation of allowance for doubtful accounts or calculation of a provision for a slow moving inventory applying methods used by auditors. The testing of provisions for debtors and slow moving inventory provisions becomes affordable and easy. 24iValue supports those persons who have no idea how to reliably assess these provisions.

We save lots of time. We do not need advanced methods to assess the provisions. Finally, we do not have to guess what the reasonable amount should be.

With 24iValue, time is saved not only by the person who assesses the provisions but also by the staff who prepare the information that is required for the calculation of an inventory provision or the computation of an allowance for doubtful accounts. The savings are made possible with little information required by 24iValue to determine reasonable charges. Finally, there is a tool supporting independent verification of the bad debts and an inventory provisioning policy applied in your company. The provisions are not unrealistic, as the 24iValue tool combines verification with past events in the company.

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Provision for Inventories

Provision for Doubtful Debts

  • The module is useful when:
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You wish to check if the policy of recognizing provision for doubtful debts is reasonable

You need to calculate an allowance for bad and doubtful debts very quickly

You have to compute doubtful debts provision and you have not much more than a debtors ageing report

You wish to check if your computation of allowance for doubtful accounts does not contain material errors
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Service description24iValue imitates the process of thinking and the actions a conventional audit-accounting expert implements to calculate bad and doubtful debt provisions. The system will guide you step by step through the process of calculation, so that debtors provision can be estimated reasonably even without knowledge in this field.

24iValue is based on proven audit methods of calculation of provision for doubtful debts. You will quickly calculate the provision for bad debtors and you can save a lot of time, as you will need just a small amount of information.

Using this module is recommended if you do not know how to determine the provision for doubtful accounts, especially when you have a limited amount of information, and need a tool that will quickly and reliably calculate it.

24iValue can also be used as a tool for checking the reasonableness of already established bad and doubtful debts allowance, especially when you cannot find someone ales to  independently review your calculation of the necessary write-down.

=> You wish to check if the policy of recognising provision for doubtful debts is reasonable.

=> You need to calculate an allowance for bad and doubtful debts in a very short time.

=> You have to compute doubtful debts provision and you have not much more than a debtors aging report.

=> You wish to check if your computation of allowance for doubtful accounts does not contain material errors you are an auditor looking for a clever tool to audit bad debt expense or quickly ensure the provisioning policy is reasonable.

Provision for doubtful debtors

The determination of rules to recognise the provisions for doubtful debts or inventory provisions so that they reflect the reality and specific features of a company is a major challenge.

How can we determine the appropriate percentages of a provision for bad and doubtful debts or of a provision for slow moving inventory and how can we verify the applied accounting policies?

Incorrect policies of recognising a provision for slow moving inventory or doubtful debtors may distort the financial result. If we do not tailor the accounting policies to the company and actual events that take place, the provisions and allowances will likely be inadequate to future developments.

If we have no idea how to verify, if, the approved policies of recognising provision for doubtful debts or inventory provision are adequate, we often do not challenge the accuracy of the policies at all, which however, is a major error. On the other hand, we may look for various ways to verify the provisions; however, that may cost lots of time and would not guarantee that the assessment of the applied policy is correct.

The desired effect can be achieved by using easier methods, tested practically by others. With 24iValue, everybody can learn how to check the computation of allowance for doubtful accounts or calculation of a provision for a slow moving inventory applying methods used by auditors. The testing of provisions for debtors and slow moving inventory provisions becomes affordable and easy. 24iValue supports those persons who have no idea how to reliably assess these provisions.

We save lots of time. We do not need advanced methods to assess the provisions. Finally, we do not have to guess what the reasonable amount should be.

With 24iValue, time is saved not only by the person who assesses the provisions but also by the staff who prepare the information that is required for the calculation of an inventory provision or the computation of an allowance for doubtful accounts. The savings are made possible with little information required by 24iValue to determine reasonable charges. Finally, there is a tool supporting independent verification of the bad debts and an inventory provisioning policy applied in your company. The provisions are not unrealistic, as the 24iValue tool combines verification with past events in the company.

See how it works

Provision for Doubtful Debts

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Organy podatkowe oraz organy kontroli skarbowej badają zgodność warunków...
Publication date: 2018-08-29 12:12:29
Ceny transferowe - analiza porównywalności
Określenie dochodu podmiotu powiązanego w drodze oszacowania poprzedza...
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